WHAT IS UP GUYS!!!????. . . . . . . . . . The roof of course

WHAT IS UP GUYS!!!????. . . . . . . . . . The roof of course

Thursday 22 September 2011


             HI EVERYBODY! THIS IS SILLY WILLY HERE! Actually I'm not a silly as you may think. My name is Wilson Leung. For those who know me, they just call me Wilson, or my Chinese name. I am a third year student at the University of Alberta. I study in the Nutrition and Food Science program.  However, whether I go to school or not, I think I'm a student for life! You may ask, "Like what?" Well, for instance, this year I'm taking a class called ALES 204--Communication Theory and Practise. I think Learning how to communicate ideas to other clearly and effectively may take a LIFETIME! There's even a "lab" for this class, (My lab section is D6). In these labs, we get to practise communication. That's awesome!

            Incidentally, communication plays a big role in my life, and I think it should! When a newspaper journalist effectively communicates to me about the current events, I can properly learn about what happened. When I read a textbook, and the author uses proper grammar and good flow of ideas, I can successfully understand the content. The best part is that there are so many techniques of communication: television, internet, books, magazines, posters...Simply amazing!
            I personally think communication can bring happiness, too! If language and communication didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to ask IQ questions! For me,  during a family meal or gathering, we ask each other IQ questions. It's sparks our critical thinking skills, builds some discussions (while we discuss we may let out a few jokes here! Afterall laughing is the best medicine, just as Paul McGhee said, “Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.”) IQ question discussion is definitely a good time to apply communication skills!
How about we do an IQ question now?
            There was a wealthy man who hired a security guard to watch his house during the night. One day, he was going to ride a plane to Canada, and booked his flight for the tomorrow morning. The next morning, he was about to leave his house when the security gaurd came to him and said, "Sir, don't go to Canada today, last night I had a dream that your plane you were going to ride would crash. Please don't leave!" The wealthy man said, "Alright, I won't leave today." So the wealthy man did not go to Canada. On the third day, the wealthy man heard on the news that the plane he was going to ride actually crashed! Luckily, there were only minor injuries. That night, the wealthy man thanked the security guard, "Friend, you saved my life! But I'm afraid I have to fire you."
            It seemed like that the security guard HELPED the wealthy man. But why was the guard fired instead of being given a raise?

Continue to follow my blog!! www.abcwilly.blogspot.com
Take  a look at this. Communication is great, but definitely we need to validate what we percieve: http://www.scotsalbury.nsw.edu.au/news/2011/08/18/joy-communication I agree with Mrs Heather Norton

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