WHAT IS UP GUYS!!!????. . . . . . . . . . The roof of course

WHAT IS UP GUYS!!!????. . . . . . . . . . The roof of course

Monday 9 April 2012

God, guide me, to live as if I were about to die

watched this video 4 years ago, and that day, I wanted to love as if Jesus lives in me. I'm still learning, and that is still a work in progress, and likely the process will never finish. But I'll continue to strive for that love. video/song still touches my heart today. I want to love the people around me and to love my God as if today were my last day...I will try to do that everyday, for whatever time I have left.


I thought the most touching part...
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'." 

He said "I was finally the husband,
"That most the time I wasn’t.
"An' I became a friend a friend would like to have.
"And all of a sudden goin' fishin’,
"Wasn’t such an imposition,
"And I went three times that year I lost my Dad.
"Well, I finally read the Good Book,
"And I took a good long hard look,
"At what I'd do if I could do it all again,

please Lord God, if you are willing, may your Spirit guide your people, guide us to be truly willing from our hearts to live out that desire to love the same way you love us, especially on the cross...remind us daily, and strengthen us that we don't live for ourselves, but to love, and carry that cross daily.